
Showing posts from April, 2014

Automatic crystal remote control (Shadow Self feat. Arttu Karppanen)

Hello, my dearest readers!  My friend Arttu Karppanen (Click to like his new FB site!) is seeking to get to study photography. He asked me to model for one of the pre-tasks. This was his very first time instructing a model and he did well. :) He wanted two different kind of pictures that had some kind of a bond. So, during one day we shot a "fine business lady" and a "drug addict", both of them in milieu they don't fit. I was responsible for the makeup art and styling. And modeling. For both of the character types! Two opposites, one bond (my personal favorites). Photos: Arttu Karppanen, Model/MUA/PostProduction: Shadow Self   Arttu did the photography and the post production to the finale versions that he picked - and I got enthusiastic playing with Photoshop a bit and giving some of the surplus photos a rather dirty look. At first the idea was just to show two opposites side by side. After that it felt like the pictures should t...

Shadow Self feat Heartless & Vixxsin

Original photos: Jenni Kaurila / Studio Nevian Okayy, it's time for some alternative fashion! Dat dress! Omg! It was awesome! The helm moves so softly and smoothly. Photo: Jenni Kaurila / Studio Nevian Design: Evil Clothing Brand: Heartless Photo: Jenni Kaurila / Studio Nevian Design: Evil Clothing Brand: Heartless Photo: Jenni Kaurila / Studio Nevian Design: Jenni Salmela / Evil Clothing Brand: Heartless Photo: Jenni Kaurila / Studio Nevian Design: Jenni Salmela / Evil Clothing Brand: Heartless     Photo: Jenni Kaurila / Studio Nevian Design: Jenni Salmela / Evil Clothing Brand: Vixxsin

Dancing at Kåren - The reincarnation of Isis

© Jere Satamo, JS Disain After doing a little performance with my parrot Pyro at Logomo, burlesque artist Sophie le Sucré asked me to perform in a burlesque event Hylätty Huvipuisto ("Abandoned amusement park") 4.4.2014. At first I was supposed to do something with birds but then I decided not to since the surroundings would have been way too tricky compared to the small amount of practising possibilities. Sophie asked me if there would be something else I wanted to do. It didn't have to be burlesque: a little warm-up performance would do just fine. I started to wonder if there was anything I'd always wanted to do but didn't dare... I had the answer quite fast. I had always wanted to dance solo infront of the audience. But dancing has never been my strongest merit. Yeah, I can move my body, but I've always been a bit weak embracing strict techniques. So this time I wanted to do something based on the feeling I wanted to follow. I chose to do so...

Eläimellinen kuukausi

Inspiraationi oli aika pitkään jossakin taivaanrannan tuolla puolen, sillä olen keskittynyt uusimaan neitokakadusivustoani. Se on urakkana melkoinen, sillä sivuja on yhteensä kolminumeroisen summan verran ja puolet sivustosta on lisäksi englanniksi. Aikaa tälle blogille on tilapäisesti ollut hieman vähemmän. Elämässäni on tapahtunut kaikenlaisia muutoksia ja tapahtuu varmasti vielä lisääkin. Olen harkinnut Helsinkiin muuttamista, mahdollisesti työn perässä, mutta varmaa se ei vielä ole. Siihen asti olen osin työttömänä, mutta toisaalta teen myös jonkin sortin keikkaa. Minua kysyttiin esimerkiksi vakiokasvoksi eläväksi malliksi taidekurssille. Palkkajobit ovat aina pop tällä saralla. Kirjoitushiljaisuuteni välissä on ollut kaikenlaista pientä kivaa erityisesti eläinten kanssa ja siitä ajattelin kirjoitella hieman. Minulla oli jokin aika sitten hoidossa mitä ihanin chihuahuapentu, Nini! Se on siskopuoleni koira, joka oli muuton ajan täällä luonani. Nini on vasta laps...