
Showing posts from October, 2013

Makeup tutorial: Something Dark

Here's a short makeup tutorial. I got a bit bored, after healing my self inside four walls after the surgery, so I decided to play with makeups a bit. I did just something quite average, nothing that special. :) Basic dark eye-makeup with very large eyeliners and as a cherry on the top - some mint green liquid liner. Here we go!  Plain face and a shower fresh Shadow Self. :)  Because I'm about to use mineral makeup powder-foundation, I add concealer before the foundation. Otherwise the foundation might get marbled.  Adding lighter color to your eye corners and under-eyes gives much fresher look and brings the eyes out!  I start with lower lid to see what is a logical place to draw the upper lid line. I want to do some biiiig liners this time so I leave some empty space between the dark line and my lower lash line. I draw the line with black eyeshadow. And then some liquid eyeliner. I'm gonna make it quite huge, coverin more than ha...

Jewelry box

I have a little jewelry box... To plant my wishes To hold my thoughts  Open the lock.... Hide the key Everything's laying... Deep down Inside me ...Each piece tells a story Where a memory lies Each piece... Adds a chapter A moment in life The corner of my dresser Resides in its place Every keepsake Kept so safe... Open the lock Hide the key This jewelry tells the story The story Of me Year after year Always it's there Watching me grow Filled with love Embellished with care.... Time goes by Wind sweeps through my hair The box does not die The jewelry...still there The necklace holds my soul I clasp my heart Around my neck My bracelet, my life line The rings are my steps Steps taken... steps met  Earrings whispering memories Softly into my head Generations pass This jewelry Still lasts It's color does not tarnish Significance does not fade The st...


Ajattelin kirjoittaa tänään hieman poikkeavana aiheenani endometrioosista, jota sairastan ja joka minulta leikattiin pieni aika sitten. Varoitan, että postaus sisältää nihkeämpää kuvamateriaalia ja epämiellyttävämpääkin tekstiä. This post is finnish only and tells about endometriosis. I just had a surgery and this post contains some pictures of the surgery wounds. So no esthetics this time. Endometrioosi, eli kohdun limakalvon sirottumatauti on parantumaton, perinnöllinen, tarttumaton sairaus, jossa kohdun limakalvoa muodostuu kehossa alueille, joille sitä ei pitäisi tulla. Nämä pesäkkeet reagoivat kierron mukaisesti estrogeenitasoihin aivan kuten normaalikin kohdun limakalvo, joka paksunee tilapäisesti ja sitten poistuu vuotona. Kyllä. Se tarkoittaa, että pesäkkeet vuotavat verta. Koska pesäkkeet ovat luonnottomissa paikoissa, ei kudos ja vuoto kuitenkaan pääse poistumaan, vaan aiheuttaa tulehdustilan. Pesäkkeen koko kasvaa, ärsyttää viereisiä kudoksia ja saa aikaan arpeutum...