Jewelry box

I have a little jewelry box...
To plant my wishes
To hold my thoughts 

Open the lock....
Hide the key
Everything's laying...
Deep down
Inside me

...Each piece tells a story

Where a memory lies
Each piece...
Adds a chapter
A moment in life

The corner of my dresser
Resides in its place
Every keepsake
Kept so safe...

Open the lock
Hide the key
This jewelry tells the story
The story
Of me

Year after year
Always it's there
Watching me grow
Filled with love
Embellished with care....

Time goes by
Wind sweeps through my hair
The box does not die
The jewelry...still there

The necklace holds my soul
I clasp my heart
Around my neck
My bracelet, my life line
The rings are my steps
Steps taken... steps met 
Earrings whispering memories
Softly into my head

Generations pass
This jewelry
Still lasts
It's color does not tarnish
Significance does not fade

The story goes on...
Every jewel speaks a word
Placed in the corner
This box will be heard

And till this day...
One thing still remains

I have a little jewelry box....

- Jewelry box by JennaEmily


  1. Replies
    1. Kiitos <3 Se on aivan ihana. :) Käsintehty, intialainen. Olen kuolannut tuota eräässä pienessä putiikissa ikuisuuden ja oli pakko saada se nyt, kun liike halusi siitä eroon ja se oli 50% alennuksessakin.

  2. Oh, wau. Nää lyriikat ja toi rasia.. *_*


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