
Showing posts from January, 2013

Innocent catalogue pictures

This was one of the most interesting catalogue shoots I've been in. I thought that this kind of style wouldn't be me - but actually the clothes looked marvolous and so cute that I would seriously love to get some of these. All the clothes are Innocent design and the catalogue photos were taken by Jenni Kaurila from Studio Nevian.  Peacock feather texture. I just love peacocks! Okay, my friends would ask "What bird species you don't like?", but peacock is one of my favourites! This shirt had back part from lace. Quite a personal solution and I love it! (Sidenote: As a kid I hated jeans because I didn't think they fit my body at all. Nowadays... Well, I think I could wear them more often! The jeans in this picture are just some random jeans.) Oh noes, a smiling cyber hippie! This dress felt groovy. Fabric was something very smooth, almost like satine but just a bit heavier - still very light and airy. "Oo look at that, I'm wearing w...

Vixxsin 2013 spring catalogue

I was supposed to post these next wednesday but had the permission a bit earlier. So here you go: some material from the Vixxsin catalogue photoshoot! The Vixxsin clothes are designed by Jenni Salmela . Clothes are clearly alternative spirited, I'd classify them to goth, rock and punkish style. They can be wickedly cute and at the same time ass-kicking cool. In Finland you can buy them from Back Street.   All the pictures of this entry are taken by Jenni Kaurila of Studio Nevian. This costume was very comfortable! Fabric was very soft and flexible. A good example of how a garment can be at the same time cute and still kind of badass. "Yeah, I'm a pink Punisher! >:)"   I loved especially this mini skirt! Kinda butt flattering. "Dat a--!" This dress can be tightened with lacings.     This one was very nice. I usually don't wear hoodies since they don't fit my figure that well, but this one had the nice detail...

Hairdo modelling

Tänään toimin kampausmallina Kirsi Lundénille Parturi-Kampaamo Titussa . Kampaajamestari ja hiusalan kouluttaja Marja Sillanpää oli pitämässä koulutusta kampauksista. Today I was modelling for a hairdresser trainee, Kirsi Lundén, at Hairdressing salon Titu . A master hairdresser and hairdressing trainer Marja Sillanpää was giving a lecture and training of hairdos. Värjäsin vastikään hiukseni ja lisäsin päälle erittäin jäisen vaalean osion. Ilokseni Kirsi osasi ottaa hiusteni värikirjon loistavasti huomioon ja hyödyntää sitä kampauksessa. I  just recently dyed my hair and added an ice blue blond section. I was happy to see how Kirsi took the whole spectrum of my hair into account and made use of it in her hairdo.   Pidin paikasta todella paljon! Omistaja Titu oli todella lämmin ja ystävällinen ja niin olivat kaikki muutkin läsnäolijat. Olin myös imarreltu, kun minulta kyseltiin, kuka on värjännyt hiukseni. Tekeleeni sai osakseen paljon ylistys...

The Body Shop: Pink Grapefruit

Yksi ainaisista suosikeistani, kun on valittava kosteusvoiteita tai tuoksuja, on the Body Shop. Eilen hain Eau de toiletten, tuoksuna Pink Grapefruit . Samalla otin testaukseen E-vitamoidun kasvosumutteen, jonka luvataan mm. kosteuttavan ja virkistävän kuivaa ihoa kesken päivän ja kiinnittävän meikin. Kanta-asiakaslahjaksi sain mukaan vielä Pink Grapefruit -suihkugeelin. When it comes to moisturizers or scents, the Body Shop is one of my all time favourites. Yesterday I got my new Eau de toilette, Pink Grapefruit. I also decided to test Vitamin E Face Mist that is promised to give instantly refreshing moisture boost. It should also be great used as make up fix. As a loyalty gift, I also recieved Pink Grapefruit shower gel. Sarjan tuoksu on todella voimakkaan greippimäinen ja raikas. Ei tunnu laisinkaan pahalta nenässä, vaan tuoksua tekee mieli suorastaan imeä itseensä. Ensisuihkaisu on toki kirpeä, mutta pehmenee nopeasti todella miellyttäväksi ja tunnistettavaksi. The scent ...

Music video casting

Käväisin tänään castingissä erästä musiikkivideota varten. Tuttavani soitti eilen ja tiedusteli, olisinko innostunut tulemaan yhteen rooliin. Niinpä menin paikalle, ja teimme lyhyen haastattelun nauhalle. Jäi mukava fiilis, ja lisäksi sain hyvää kahvia! Jään odottelemaan tuloksia. Today I went to a casting for a music video. My friend called me yesterday and asked if I'd be interested to do a role. So I went and we filmed a short interview. I felt good afterwards - plus, I was offered some great coffee! I'll stay waiting for the results. Ensi keskiviikkona julkaisen kuvia Vixxsinin kevät 2013 -malliston kuvauksista! Lisäksi luvassa on ihastuttavia kuvia myös Innocentin kuvauksista. Next wednesday I'll publish some photos of Vixxsin spring 2013 catalogue! I'll also show some lovely pictures from the Innocent catalogue photoshoot. Luvs, Shadow Self


After doing this photoshoot with some photography students, I continued a while with their teacher Arto Soini. We found a little field and decided to do dome photos there. (It was actually very hard since the ground was all wet and muddy. But, we survived!) Click the pictures for full view! All the photos are © Arto Soini  This first one is my favourite. I like it that the background is nothing but that field.       Don't forget to join the blog's FB-site!

Mentally empowering photographic project

Lupauduin mukaan voimauttavaan valokuvausprojektiin, jonka tarkoitus on erilaisten harjoitteiden kautta parantaa osallistujien itsetuntoa. Projektin tuloksena luodaan kalenteri, jossa kukin malli esitetään mahdollisimman luonnollisina. Projekti on suunnattu ensisijaisesti sellaisille, joilla on taustaa syömishäiriön kanssa, tai muille, jotka ovat joutuneet kamppailemaan itsensä hyväksymisen kanssa. Itselläni ei ole koskaan todettu syömishäiriötä, joskin pari vuotta sitten minulla epäiltiin BDD:tä hankalassa elämäntilanteessa. Tunnistan BDD:n piirteitä itsessäni toki voimakkaasti, mutten ehkä ihan sillä tasolla kuin diagnoosi vaatisi. Siksi epäröin hiukan, uskaltaudunko lähtemään projektiin. Siihen liittyy moniakin pelkoja. Tuotanko itsestäni julkisuuteen materiaalia, joka olisikin epäedustavaa? Entä, jos olen vastenmielinen meikittä? Entä, jos huomaankin itsessäni uusia negatiivisia piirteitä, joita vahdin neuroottisesti? Olen pyrkinyt jättämään itsekriittisyyteni taka-alalle; entä, ...

My Inner Natasha

Last summer I did a photoshoot with three photographer students. Their teacher was Arto Soini, a photographer who was behind one of my earliest photoshoots. Arto asked me to do some modeling for the students, since they had a task to practise doing the lights and instructing the model. That was one of the greatest shoots I've been and the results were awesome, too! The lights did so much and I was completely satisfied with the results. It was also interesting to see how different styles could three different people create in same surroundings. This one is my favourite, taken by Jere Satamo (Js Disain): This photo was taken by Jere Satamo, too:  And here's two photos taken by Johan Robertsson: What was hard for me was to just be completely still and let the phogographers instruct me. They said I was a fairly easy model because even when I tried not to offer anything, I still did. Darn! Made it too easy for them. ;) I should try to learn to be more relaxed sinc...

Born to raise Hell!

I asked suggestions for today's make up. Hedda was fast and asked for Satan! Hell yeah! :D I asked her to clarify a bit, since I had a couple options in my mind. Hedda wanted to see a traditional she-devil make up (though, she said it would be also interesting to see me as a masculine version!). I was a bit in a hurry but still finished the make up and managed to take some shots. I had a bit of a problem, since I've had blue or green hair for almost a year, and I was lacking the best red colors I once had. Luckily I still have some Grimas eyeshadows! I didn't want the look to remind too much of some kind of a halloween make up. More likely, I wanted there something mystical with some kind of referring to occultism. To get the right atmosphere, I also played a bit with my camera settings to get the blue look (though, I balanced it just a bit with orange filter). The lenses are Fire from Crazy lenses. So, here's something for Hedda!   I used mineral foundatio...


As I promised, I tried some new make up today. I got a bit excited and played a bit with my blond extensions. I usually wear them under my own hair so that I can create white endings. But today... I tried how I would look as platinum blond.   Then I played a bit more and changed the lip color. But since the lack of a good quality lip stick, I didn't end up with that good results. Anyways, it was fascinating to see myself with such platinum blond hair. I have pretty much always had dark colors or something bright. Anyways, to the make up part.  I don't use yellow often. Trying the color to the inner corner of the eye was quite fun and didn't look as goofy as I thought it would. Reminds me kind of like some sort of lagoon.   Anyways, it was fun! And the new camera is awesome. I should still learn to do things more manually. There you go: a little bit of smile, too! (Accidental smiles are the greatest!) Oh yes! And please do remember to join the blog...

Princess wants her lipstick!

Miten vaikeaa voi olla uuden huulipunan metsästäminen suomalaisista liikkeistä? Okei, minun kohdallani ehkä hivenen vaikeaa. Kriteerini: - Erittäin juiciliciouss, eli runsaspigmenttinen, mehukkaan kostea ja mieluummin juokseva kuin kakkumainen - Ei kuivata - saisi peräti oikein hoitaakin pakkaselle herkkiä naamalärpäkkeitäni. - Sävy on viileä punainen, ei liian tumma, mutta tummempi kuin keskivaalea. Viileällä punaisella en tarkoita viininpunaista, van siitä vielä aste lähemmäs fuchsiaa. ...Mutta ei kuitenkaan mikään täysin aniliininpunainen, sillä barbie-lookki ei vain ole minun juttuni. - Hintataso saisi olla maksimissaan 15 e - ja jos se olisi tuon verran, saisi olla jo oikeasti aika perkeleellisen hyvä tuote. How hard could it be hunting a new lipstick in Finnish shops ? Okay, in my case, maybe a little bit difficult.   My criteria: - Very juiciliciouss , with a lots of pigments and juicily moist, plus rather running than a cake -like - Does not dry my l...

Meow Cosmetics: Snowflakes/Ice Storm

Kuten mainitsin aiemmin, kokeilin tänään Meow Cosmeticsin Snowflakes-sarjan Ice Storm -luomiväriä. Rakastan Meow Cosmeticsia eritoten siksi, että sen tuotteet ovat rikkaasti pigmentoituja ja niissä on erittäin laaja skaala erilaisia värejä ja efektejä (glitteri, hologrammi jne). As I mentioned before, today I tried my Meow Cosmetics eyeshadow, Ice Storm from the Snowflakes-series. I just love Meow Cosmetics, since the products are rich pigmented and there's a great scale of different colors and effects (glitter, hologram-look etc).  Ice Storm on eräänlainen puolitumma sininen, jossa on jäisen harmaa sävy - ja paljon hienojakoista glitteriä! Se näyttää toimivan parhaiten, jos alla on jokin hyvä, sopivan tahmea pohjustus. Omalle ihonvärilleni tämä ei ollut ehkä ihan niin hyvä vaihtoehto, mutta voin kuvitella sen pukevan jotakuta toista loistavasti. Ice Storm is kind of medium dark blue with icy grey tone - and a lot's of fine glitter! It seems to work the best if there'...

Ice Storm and Winter Madness

Meowcosmeticsin tilaukseni saapui hiljattain, tuoden mukanaan mineraalimeikin ohessa pari uutta luomiväriä. Ajattelin testata niistä toista huomenissa. Kyseessä on Snowflake-sarjan Ice Storm. My order from Meowcosmetics arrived some while ago. Along with my mineral foundation, I recieved a couple eyeshadows. I'll probably test the other one tomorrow. This eyeshadow is from the Snowflake-series and called Ice Storm. Kun skrollaan ajassa taaksepäin muistoja joistain vanhemmista kuvauksistani, eräs tietty tuli mieleeni. Todennäköisesti siksi, että kyseinen kuvaus järjestettiin juuri tähän aikaan vuodesta. Ulkona. Erittäin vähäisissä vaatteissa. Ja kyllä, Suomessa. When scrolling back my memories of some earlier photoshoots, one specific came to my mind. Perhaps because it was organized about this time of year. Outside. With minor clothing. Yes, in Finland. (All the photos below: Lauri Kananoja) Tämä shootti oli Lauri Kananojan kuvaama sarja, jossa etsimme jonkinlaist...